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The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has warned of increased energy poverty as a result of proposals from the European Commission’s Fit for 55.

“A €5 increase in the price at the petrol pump and €35-40 per month on household energy bills will negatively affect the income of all workers,” said Ludovic Voet, ETUC confederal secretary. He added that renewable alternatives were not yet available for households.

“Renters (retired), commuters, small business owners and many consumers will experience higher energy and transport costs without a real opportunity to shift towards alternatives in the short-term,” agreed Silke Ernst, head of Germany’s influential metalworking trade union, IG Metall. ETUC noted that if adopted, the proposal would affect 50 million EU households living in energy poverty, with a price of €170 per ton of CO2 resulting in an annual cost hike of €373 for transport and €429 for buildings for an average household. In the future, it is estimated, between 50 and 125 million people (including England) will be unable to comfortably heat their homes.