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‘Prof. Augustinus Berkhout—Extreme Warming Is a Political Narrative’

The above headline is from the largest Dutch daily, De Telegraaf (circ. 400,000), which published the second op-ed in three weeks by Prof. Guus Berkhout, escalating his international attack on the climate change narrative. This time Professor Berkhout’s offensive (already covered by EIRNS, and being translated into a half-dozen languages by volunteers) exposes reluctant admissions by the green collaborators themselves, that their calculations and projections are unreliable, unusable, and beyond the pale, including a statement in Science magazine by Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, that “You end up with numbers for even the near-term that are insanely scary—and wrong.”

Berkhout reports that Austria’s Agriculture Minister Elisabeth Köstinger issued a press release on July 25, with strong words against environmentalists for sabotaging flood protection. He emphasizes “we have to stop the terrifying CO2 stories, the super-expensive energy transition, and instead prepare for a golden age of safe, affordable and clean nuclear energy.”

Guus Berkhout is emeritus-professor of Geophysics, member of The Royal Netherlands

Academy of Sciences (KNAW), and President of CLINTEL.