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College Football Returns, Fox’s Laura Ingraham Cheers for COVID-19

Fox News’s Laura Ingraham greeted the return of stands packed with unmasked and lightly-clothed college football fans, with a cry of “It felt like we were living in America again.” She attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who urged taking precautionary measures like masking and maintaining distance, as going against the “American way.” She argued that the average American who worked all week should be allowed to “have fun” on the weekend. She was, apparently, not aware that tens of millions of these Americans had no job or no safe, comfortable job to go to.

Ingraham remarked that 150,000 new deaths had occurred during Biden’s Presidency, and claimed that the Republican “Red” states had higher economic figures as well as better illness and death rates than Democratic “Blue” states. She simply ignored success stories, most notably China’s, whose systematic approach to stifling the pandemic has been rejected by both of the COVID presidencies in the U.S. and almost all local governments.

Rather than showing concern for those who have died (650,000 people, 1.3 times as many as the American soldiers who died during the four years of World War II) or become disabled by the disease during its first 18 months, she charged those trying to lower the death rate as twisted conspirators. She declared, “We’re done. We’re on to the sick, twisted game the public health sector has been playing on America.” She objected to being “treated like pariahs if they don’t submit to being vaxxed.”

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