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Global Warming Policy Foundation: Britain Must Suspend Climate Policies To Prevent Energy Disaster

The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) — a climate group with a prestigious board of advisers including Will Happer, Dick Lindzen, and Nir Shaviv — stated yesterday that its past warnings about the results of Britain’s climate policies have now been vindicated. Energy prices are skyrocketing, fertilizer plants are shutting down, food supplies are in jeopardy. The effects of decades of costly emissions reduction technologies, while consumer interests, security of supply and macro-economic impact were neglected, now require immediate emergency measures, to protect consumers and the economy, and to avoid a human disaster as winter approaches. (

The GWPF calls on the government to:

1. Suspend all green levies on energy bills, funding subsidies temporarily out of taxation, but acting firmly to cancel these subsidies in the near term.

2. Cancel constraint payments, and compel wind and solar generators to pay for their own balancing costs, thus incentivizing them to self-dispatch only when economic.

3. Remove all fiscal and other disincentives to oil and gas exploration, including shale gas, to increase domestic production levels.

4. Suspend carbon taxation on coal and gas generation in order to provide consumer relief and ensure security of supply.

5. Re-open recently closed gas storage facilities and support new storage projects.

6. Suspend all further policy initiatives directed towards the Net Zero target, including the Carbon Budgets, the heat pump targets, and the proposed ban on gasoline and diesel engines, until the UK energy sector has been stabilized.

7. Facilitate the acceleration of building and deploying Small Modular Reactors for both electricity and heat.