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Jacques Cheminade Declares: The Affront We Face over the Submarines Is an Opportunity To Get Our Act Together

PARIS, Sept. 17 (EIRNS) — The following is a translation of the declaration issued today by Jacques Cheminade, president of the French political party, Solidarité & Progrès: (

If we do not react to an affront and seize the opportunity to revolt, we condemn ourselves to an unworthy submission. France must therefore react by changing the orientation of its policy in the face of the intervention by the United States and the United Kingdom to break our “contract of the century” with Australia. Not only have these three countries betrayed our trust, but also they have done so without having officially warned us. Thus, American President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrisson appeared together in a video conference [on Sept. 15] to announce their plans with the satisfied smiles of those who believe they are attacking weaker people than themselves. This is a good opportunity to prove them wrong, by getting to the bottom of things.

Their crime is, of course, in the context of what they call the AUKUS, the creation of a strategic and nuclear partnership against China in the Indo-Pacific area. As if the Anglo-Saxon countries had not understood anything, despite their Five Eyes, after the NATO debacle in Afghanistan.

As if they had not understood that continuing a policy of permanent confrontation and cold war, to the detriment of their enemies, their allies and ultimately themselves, i.e., their peoples, can only lead to a much worse disaster: a destruction of the economic capacities of all and, with the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the risk of a conflict in which humanity would annihilate itself in monstrous destructions.

I do not want to fall into the trap of quoting Charles de Gaulle every time a major challenge for our country arises, but when he announced on March 18, 1984 at the University of Mexico that “the fact that will dominate our future is the unity of our universe,” he was also addressing us: “a cause, that of man; a necessity, that of world progress and, consequently, of aid to all the countries that wish to develop; a destiny, that of peace, are, for our species, the very conditions of its life.” I would add today, of its survival.

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