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Paris, Oct. 25 (EIRNS)–If the Glasgow COP26 fails to enforce, by commonly adopted suicidal measures of Green climate transition, other means will be used. The first are the “markets” imposing a worldwide “gas shock,” similar to the 1973 “oil shock” designed to impose the Club of Rome’s “zero growth” dystopia. The next step being prepared is blunt “eco-terrorism"; not yet directly against humans, but against the crucial infrastructure humans need to survive and develop.

On Sept. 24, the New Yorker, in a podcast called “Should the Climate Movement Embrace Sabotage?” interviewed Andreas Malm, author of the book How To Blow Up a Pipeline. [] Malm urges his fellow environmentalists to abandon their non-violent protests and embrace what he calls “intelligent sabotage” — destroying construction equipment, vandalizing worksites and, yes — blowing up pipelines. “Malm has become a media darling,” comments GV Wire, which covered the podcast on Sept. 30. His book advocating violence received sympathetic coverage from the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times Review of Books.

Malm told the New Yorker that environmental activists “should reconsider their roots in non-violence.” He believes it is “time to get destructive as a way of combating man-made climate change and forcing people to depend less on fossil fuels.”

“I am not saying we should stop [climate] strikes or square occupations or things like that,” Malm told the New Yorker Radio Hour. “I am recommending that the movement continues with mass action and civil disobedience, but also opens up for property destruction,” Malm said. Regarding a pipeline project in Africa, Malm said, “If people were to attack the construction equipment, blow up the pipeline before it’s completed, I will be all in favor of that. I don’t see how property damage could be considered morally illegitimate given what we know of the consequence of such projects.”

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