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Mark Carney: Investment Opportunities of Up to $2.5 Trillion a Year Exist in Energy Infrastructure

Mark “financial regime change” Carney, former Governor of the Bank of England and now the United Nations Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, gave Bloomberg News a video interview on Sept. 23, in which he stated from the start that: 1) in the last 18 months we went from ¼ of countries who had committed to net-zero to presently ¾ of the world’s countries that have now made that commitment; 2) 3,000 companies all over the world now have net-zero commitments; and 3) financial firms, asset managers, etc.,controlling a total of $90 trillion in assets have committed to manage that money on behalf of net-zero policies.

The 11-minute interview is linked here:

That interview was prompted by the release on September 23 by Brookfield Asset Management of a 21-page white paper entitled “Making the Leap to Clean Energy—and Net Zero.”

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