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FLOP26, Week 2: Sir Bloomberg Urges Cities, Obama Urges Youth, To Lead the World Green Stampede over the Cliff

The second week began Nov. 7 of COP26, featuring daily themes that continue the call for everyone to stampede over the green cliff, though the sessions no longer have national government figures.

On Nov. 7, the focus was on city and state level initiatives around the world. Sir Michael “Kill Coal” Bloomberg, Special UN Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions, spoke, extolling the fact that there are 810 cities worldwide in his initiative to green themselves. He was joined by U.S. National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy. Bloomberg announced a new $10 million grant to the effort, of “All In,” and the U.S. Climate Alliance, which is headed and was co-founded by Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee. Washington, Oregon and California, plus British Columbia, and major West Coast cities, announced a new initiative to decarbonize their Pacific region.

Bloomberg and Inslee boasted of how states and localities kept the green flag flying in the U.S. during the Trump years, and now they will forge backward. The Bloomberg operation has strewn money around to buy up officeholders, from New Orleans to New England, for their de-powering of the U.S.

Today the theme is on “adaptation” to climate change. Former President Barack Obama was staged to make a pitch to youth to lead the charge. He held forth on Build Back Better, stressing on climate change, that no candidate should be elected that isn’t going to act on climate change. “There’s one thing that should transcend our normal politics and geopolitics, and that’s climate change.”

Tomorrow are two topics: gender, and the other is science and innovation. Nov. 10, transportation. Nov. 11, “Cities, Regions and Built Environment: Advancing action in the places we live, from communities, through to cities and regions.” Gov. Jay Inslee said he would speak. Friday, Nov. 12, is the finish.