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Pfizer Vaccine Co-Developer Says Yearly Vaccinations Necessary

Ugur Sahin, CEO of BioNTech, the co-developer of the Pfizer vaccine, told Germany’s Bild newspaper Nov. 21 that people all over the world will need to get a jab of the COVID vaccine once a year, and praised the quality of its booster shot, RT reported today. Sahin said the vaccine co-developed by his company was “very effective.” Asked if people should worry about “breakthrough infections"—when those vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine still developed COVID-19 symptoms—he dismissed that concern, saying that the jab offers a “90% protection” against cases that require intensive care in those older than five.

Sahin added that a “very high” level of protection against severe illness lasts for up to nine months, but explained that this level of protection starts decreasing “from the fourth month.” To maintain the protection, he strongly pushed for booster shots, arguing that they would not just restore levels of antibodies, but also would potentially help “to break ... chains of infection.” He encouraged doctors to be as pragmatic as possible, and “not to send people home unvaccinated even though they could be vaccinated without any problems.” In the future, people might need to get booster shots once a year, he believes. He said that he expects protection from a booster shot to “last longer” than the initial immunity one acquires after getting two doses of the vaccine.

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