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South African Doctor Says Existing Vaccines Appear Effective on Omicron Covid Strain

A South African doctor treating patients who tested positive for the COVID-19 omicron variant said today that vaccinated individuals among them “so far have no complication"—an early indication that existing inoculations may be effective in protecting people from serious illness from the new variant, Mychael Schnell wrote today in the Capitol Hill newspaper, The Hill.

Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the national chair of the South African Medical Association appeared on CNN-TV’s program “New Day,” and told host John Berman, “The patients that have been vaccinated so far have no complication…. I have seen vaccinated people, [who are] not really very sick. That might change going forward, as we say; [these] are early days. And this is maybe what makes us hopeful.” Coetzee added.

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