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China vs. U.S. Hospital Construction Tells the Tale

A comparison of China and U.S. construction of hospitals, both before the pandemic and since, is yet another example of who cares about human life and who cares more about profitability.

According to World Bank statistics, Chinese hospital beds per 1,000 people went from 1.7 in 2000 to 4.3 in 2017, while in the U.S., they declined in this same period from 3.5 per 1,000 to 2.9. See the dramatic graph of this here:

As for hospital construction, China had 33,009 hospitals in 2018, but by 2020 this number was 35,394, while in the U.S. there were 6,210 hospitals in 2017, but only 6,090 by 2020.

China: plus 2,385 in two years; U.S.: negative 120 in three years. ( ;