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Der Spiegel Reports Top NATO General Wolters Seeks Troop Deployment to Bulgaria and Romania

The German news organization Deutsche Welle has published a report from Der Spiegel weekly magazine that “a top NATO general” has suggested building up NATO’s presence in Romania and Bulgaria.

In a draft agreement with NATO, delivered Dec. 15, Russia had included that “All member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization commit themselves to refrain from any further enlargement of NATO, including the accession of Ukraine as well as other States.” Now, one of NATO’s senior generals has suggested the Alliance should deploy troops in Bulgaria and in Romania after Russia’s alleged military buildup near the Ukrainian border, Der Spiegel reported Dec. 18.

The magazine said the plans made by NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe Tod Wolters would in effect extend the Alliance’s “Enhanced Forward Presence” mission, under which it has already deployed troops to the Baltic countries and eastern Poland. Der Spiegel said it had “information” that Wolters had called for troop reinforcements on the eastern “border” of NATO during a confidential videoconference with military leaders of “partner nations,” and that Wolters’ proposal would in effect “expand NATO’s presence [to Romania and Bulgaria].” Both countries border Ukraine, and are also on the Black Sea. NATO has declined to comment on Der Spiegel’s report.

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