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New Chinese Study Issued: ‘U.S. Responsible for Global Spread of COVID-19’

A new research report was issued yesterday by China’s Intelligence & Alliance Think Tank and the Taihe Institute. The introduction of the study summarizes the central point: “Data from multiple sources have shown that the United States is most likely the country where COVID-19 originated, and the country most responsible for the fast global spread of the virus. Its political manipulation of the disease has made the global anti-pandemic efforts particularly difficult and challenging. The United States is to blame for the current messy pandemic situation. If it does not correct its mistakes, and start to work with others in the world’s pandemic fight immediately, humanity is going to face even greater disasters.”

The section headings of the report give an indication of its content:

“I: Evidence indicating COVID-19 originated from the United States keeps showing up.…

“1. The timeline of the outbreak in the United States has been continuously backdated.…

“2. The role of U.S. military is implicated in the origin and spread of COVID-19.…

“3. Early cases in many countries are linked to the United States….

“II. The United States is the main force of global COVID-19 spread.

“As the country with the highest numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths in the world, the United States has yet walked out of the abyss of the pandemic. The Delta variant is spreading in a faster speed, leading to sharp daily increases of confirmed cases in the United States. So far, the country’s confirmed cases have exceeded 48 million, and the death toll has surpassed 790,000.…

“In an editorial published by the U.S.-based New England Journal of Medicine, it said the United States has `failed at almost every step’ in handling the pandemic….

“1. Missing the best time to control the pandemic at early stage….

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