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Wholesale, Electricity Price Inflation Highest in 40 Years

Wholesale prices show the largest increase in 40 years—some say in 60 years—for this past November as compared to 1992. No wonder that discussions about 1923 Weimar appear in the news media, such as this one in the Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine ( , even though this is aimed at exorcizing a 1923 repetition, under the slogan, ‘ECB is in control.’

The United States follows: the Producer Price Index for November rose 9.6% from a year earlier But “intermediate producer goods” inflation was an explosive 26% for the year. This refers to producer goods which are only components of finished producer goods like machine tools, spinning machines, tractors, etc; intermediate producer goods are still in the production chain, not yet finished to sell to retailers who sell to end-customers. So, much higher producer-goods inflation is working its way through the production chains, than has come out yet at even the wholesale, or the retail end.

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