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An article in the medical magazine, Dose Response, by Evgenios Agathokleous, Professor (School of Applied Meteorology), Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology: Nanjing, Jiangsu, CN, reports that China seems to be overtaking the U.S. in another important field.

Hormesis is a field that studies the benefits of various kinds of stress on the body, including from low doses of very dangerous poisons, and also low doses of ionizing radiation. Especially the latter, has been very much suppressed in the U.S., as part of the geopolitics of fake science and Malthusianism.

When the curative effect of ionizing radiation were first discovered, many medical treatments, non-invasive and beneficial, were practiced with enormous success: the use of radon-laced water in hot springs for curing various ills, asthma, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, etc., for example by Marie Sklodowska Curie, who set up a curative hot spring in northern Italy.

Shortly after the end of World War II, the Cold War needed to invent bogeymen, and it dawned on the Malthusian elites, that peaceful nuclear energy, fission and especially fusion, spelled an end to “limits of growth” – and the resulting rise in the standard of living of the entire world, would spread the kind of optimism that would eventually make the Cold War obsolete! No more population control! Unlimited population growth of people that did not look like the British, did not talk like them, did not dress like them and did not appreciate their culinary achievements!

Nothing to do but demonize nuclear energy: if you ever saw a picture of the nuclear test in a magazine, your great-grandchildren would be born with two heads, or in the case of some potential presidential candidates, without a head. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on demonizing radiation; and while China now exports high-speed rail and technology, the U.S. was focused on exporting condoms and primitive technologies. The hysteria thus induced was used to begin the destruction of the nuclear industry in the United States, such as two events happening within two weeks of each other: first the China Syndrome, with such box-office draws as Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas, followed hard upon by the Three Mile Island incident, nobody killed, nobody injured–but the hysteria went around the world.

Apart in some relatively specialist magazines, the LaRouche publication, 21st Century Science and Technology, was one of the few places where professionals and educated laymen could read about the health benefits of low level radiation.

That was true until 2019, the first year that China published more papers on hormesis than the U.S., and that means a breakout for anti-Malthusian science which has been kept under restraint in the West by academic harassment and gag rules, despite the heroic efforts of a relative handful of courageous scientists. This is great news; it bodes the end of the anti-nuclear witch hunt, and a whole series of medical treatments that work where “standard” treatments don’t.