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COVID-19 Cases Worldwide Double over the Last Week; U.S. Hospitalizations Top 100,000

Jan. 4 witnessed yet another record, with 2,594,900 new confirmed COVID-19 cases. Over one in every three cases are from the United States (885,500). Positivity in the U.S. keeps climbing, now at 25.1%. Overall, the 7-day average worldwide for new daily cases doubled over the last week–as it did in the U.S., the U.K. and France. India, though a very small part of the numbers, is now shooting upwards. Their new cases more than quadrupled in the last week, going from 7,200 to 29,900; and the Jan. 4 figure was 58,100. Relative to the U.S., that would only be less than 15,000 cases, but it is almost 10 times what India had been experiencing for months. Delhi goes into a weekend lockdown on Friday evening, Jan. 7.

Otherwise, Argentina is another location where the viral surge has hit. They have almost tripled their 7-day average over the last week, from 15,700 to 43,800, with a total of 81,200 on Jan. 4. Meanwhile, both South Africa and Russia continue downward in new cases.

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