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Croatia Will Not Be Involved in Ukraine Crisis

Croatia’s President Zoran Milanović said his country will in no way becoming involved in the Ukrainian crisis, nor send troops, and insisted that Ukraine does not belong in NATO, and it was the “triggered a coup in Ukraine in 2014 when the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted,” Croatian news agency N1 quoted him as saying yesterday. He further said, according to Euroactiv, that the crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia, but is connected with the dynamics of U.S. internal policy led by President Joe Biden and his administration, and that “matters of international security reflect inconsistencies and dangerous behavior” by the U.S. administration.

He said the Democratic Party and Republican Party, “who until recently justified the play-safe and peaceful policy” of former President Donald Trump toward Moscow, are now mounting pressure on the Pentagon and Biden to take a tough stance toward Russia. “All that is happening in the antechamber of Russia. One must reach a deal that will take account of the security interests of Russia,” Milanovic said.

“Croatia will not send any troops in case of an escalation. On the contrary, it will recall all troops, to the last Croatian soldier.” He said there are other ways to preserve Ukraine in “its entirety or 99% of its territory” and “to help it economically.”

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