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Russia and China Weigh In on the Attempted Destabilization of Kazakhstan

Pointing to foreign instigators, Russia’s Foreign Ministry statement on Jan. 7 on the violence in Kazakhstan reads: “We regard the recent events in a friendly country as an attempt, inspired from the outside, to undermine the security and integrity of the state by force, using trained and organized armed formations.” Maxim Suchkov of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) offered that the scale and violent nature of the Jan. 6 violence suggests a “mixed bag” of actors. “That includes some people who are genuinely disgruntled, but also some forces, who, according to the Kazakhstani leadership, have received advanced training.”

The President of China Xi Jinping sent President Tokayev full support, according to Xinhua: “You decisively took strong measures at critical moments and quickly calmed down the situation, showing your position of responsibility and sense of duty as a politician, and of being highly responsible for your country and your people.”

The subject was put to the Chinese Foreign Ministry at the Jan. 7 press conference on Kazakhstan. First CCTV posed: “The situation in Kazakhstan has not completely stabilized yet, and members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, including Russia, have sent peace-keeping forces to the country. Do you have any comment?” The Ministry’s spokesman, Wang Wenbin, responded: “China noted that the Kazakh authorities are taking forceful measures to crack down on violent terrorist acts and uphold social stability. China supports all efforts that will help the Kazakh authorities to calm the situation as soon as possible and firmly opposes external forces deliberately creating social instability and instigating violence in Kazakhstan. As a brotherly neighbor and permanent comprehensive strategic partner, China will make its utmost effort to provide necessary support to Kazakhstan and help it overcome the difficulties.” (

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