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Trump: Politicians Who Hide that They Take the Booster Vaccine Are "Gutless"

Former President Donald Trump called out Florida Gov. DeSantis and others for failing to lead on the question of vaccines, particularly the booster, which Trump has received. Previously, he has repeatedly stressed that the Operation Warp Speed development of COVID-19 vaccines was “one of the greatest achievements of mankind” and that it saved tens of millions of lives around the world.

Recently, in a 1/11/22 OAN interview, Trump added that he’d seen politicians dodge questions about receiving a booster “because they’re gutless.” Notably, Florida’s Gov. DeSantis, when asked on Fox News about receiving a booster, had drawn attention by answering, rather ambiguously, that he’d received “the normal shot.” Later, his spokesperson explained that such matters are in the realm of his “personal medical decisions” and that DeSantis believes getting a booster “should be a personal choice.”