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East European Countries Preparing for Ukrainian Refugee Wave

In western Ukraine, there is a large number of ethnic Hungarians, who have in the past been discriminated against by the Ukrainian government. In addition, it has not been easy for them to emigrate to Hungary because of Hungarian restrictions. In the worst case, there could suddenly be 600,000 refugees. After meeting with the National Security Council, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban issued a statement: “Hungary, together with our European Union and NATO allies, condemns Russia’s military action.” He added that Hungary would deploy neither personnel or war matériel to Ukraine.

Some 100,000 Ukrainians have entered Poland in recent days, Poland’s Deputy Minister of the Interior and Administration Pavel Shefernaker told reporters, according to Sputnik. If confirmed, this news shows the double standard used by Polish authorities towards refugees. When they are dark-skinned they are blocked at the border (see recent crisis on the border with Belarus), but if they are white, they are welcome.

So far 16,000 Ukrainian refugees have entered Moldova. In the past they have said that they would like only to transit, but now the intention is to stay according to the Interior Minister Ana Revenko.