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World Food Program–Daily Food Relief for 125 Million People Worldwide Came from Ukraine

Recently, World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley was in Lviv, Ukraine, and said that fully half the grain the WFP buys for its world food relief has come from Ukraine. It feeds “the 125 million people we reach on any given day, week or month,” he said, as reported March 14 by ABCNews.

Also on March 14, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack reported that Beasley put the question of how to make up for this, to the Group of 7 agriculture ministers, who met March 11 by video. Vilsack, speaking to the Commodities Classic convention in New Orleans, said, as reported by The Fence Post (March 14,) “’David Beasley, the Executive Director of the World Food Program, ‘charted’ the world hunger situation for the ministers. Beasley urged the ministers to be ‘aware’ of the Ukraine situation and to be ‘thinking now’ about responses.”

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