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End the Slime Mold of Empire: Natural Law vs. ‘Might Makes Right’

End the Slime Mold of Empire. Credit: CC/KeresH

The Biden administration, on behalf of the Anglo-American elite, continues to do everything in its power to ensure that even after Trump takes office, the policies of the United States will not—cannot—stray from those of maintaining the hegemony of the bankrupt imperial world order. Lyndon LaRouche compared this imperial elite to a slime mold: “The controller of the system is a Venetian-style system of private financier interests, sort of like a slime mold, which assembles and asserts its collective power, and uses the instruments of government, under its compulsion, to cause societies to submit to its will. That’s an empire. That was the empire, the medieval empire, of the Crusaders and the Venetians, the usurers. That’s been the British Empire since February of 1763, when we broke from the British on that issue.”

This unnatural, anti-human system is doomed to fail, but its purveyors would rather rule in Hell than lose power—or, perhaps, they delude themselves to believe that current scenarios of control over the world’s resources and development can somehow be indefinitely extended, even though they are blowing apart at the seams.

To that end, a flurry of executive orders, weapons packages, sanctions, and military aid packages have been shoved into place by the collective Biden over the recent weeks. Most recently, the administration imposed significant sanctions on major aspects of Russian oil production, with the aim of “collectively drain[ing] billions of dollars per month from the Kremlin’s war chest and, in doing so, intensify the costs and risks for Moscow to continue its senseless war.” The intent of these policies was noted by Leonid Slutsky, chair of the international committee of the Russian State Duma, who said, “Biden is going to leave literally ‘scorched earth’ for Trump and complicate the resumption of dialogue with Russia as much as he can.”

Consider the stunning and very risky pace of destabilizations in Southwest Asia: In just the past month, the Syrian government has been overthrown, with not-unwarranted fears that Syria may be broken up; the genocide in Gaza has escalated to unimaginable proportions, with Israel now planning to do the same to the West Bank; after two years, Lebanon has finally elected a new President, with uncertainty over what this will mean for the country’s place in the broader regional conflicts; on Jan. 10, the U.S. and Israel jointly struck targets inside Yemen, raising the question: Was it a rehearsal for joint U.S.-Israeli strikes on Iran?

But can this leviathan succeed?

Some well-meaning people believe that the imperial system, corrupt as it is, is so mighty that its power can’t be resisted; however, those people are blind to the larger shift taking place within the development of human history, a shift that Helga Zepp-LaRouche has identified many times as being as profound as the change from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance. The era of colonialism that so-dominated human history is coming to a well-deserved end and nations which have been held in states of economic backwardness are stepping forward to assert their right to sovereignty and modern development.

This emerging system, which puts the interests of the One Humanity first, and locates national interests within that, is one which is coherent with natural law. It is one which can succeed in ending poverty as a phenomenon among human beings. It can succeed in extending human mastery of universal principles to phenomena which lie far beyond the boundaries of our Solar System. That is true power.

The other, the “might makes right” of empire, of geopolitical thinking, will fail.

We must reform our institutions to be in coherence with the needs of that new system, with natural law. President Trump could make great strides toward that, and toward eliminating the slime mold of empire, by making it one of his first acts of office to nationalize the Federal Reserve, as outlined in the Dec. 26 EIR report, “Why the New President and Congress Must Nationalize the Federal Reserve.”

For that, you—yes, you!—must drop your pessimism and organize for the solution as if your life depended on it, for it surely does.