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'Alliance for Global Food Security' G7 Proposal from Germany

The G7 has before it a proposal for an “Alliance for Global Food Security.” It comes from Germany, which holds the rotating presidency of the G7 for 2022. The initiator is Svenja Schulze, Germany’s Economic Cooperation and Development Minister. The contents of the proposal are not readily available, but she described it on the eve of her trip to Washington last week, and she proposed it to the G7 some time back.

The gist of her description of the initiative, is that the Global Alliance, according to Euractiv, “should help coordinate aid offers from donor countries and adapt them to the needs of those affected by the crisis.” The approach is to be modeled on the World Health Organization’s COVAX initiative for COVID vaccines.. Schulze points to how Germany has committed €430 million to help countries in trouble with food. The Biden Administration—and the Trump White House before that—boasts of the U.S. being the largest donor to the World Food Programme.

Schulze said that a problem is from individual nations hoarding food stocks. She singled out China. “We know that China currently has half of the world’s stocks” of wheat.

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