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EIR: NATO Alarmed at World Shake-up Against Sanctions

Contents of this week’s EIR, with a cover date of April 29:

Daniel Platt provides the guest editorial, “The Economist Sounds the Alarm,” which openly now worries that the world order would change, should Putin prevail in Ukraine. The editorial is followed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s April 20 webcast interview with Harley Schlanger, discussing the major world shake-up the Economist so fears.

Speaking of shakeups, April 19 was the first day of LaRouche Independent Diane Sare’s petition drive to place her name on the ballot in contention with incumbent Democrat Chuck Schumer. Kynan Thistlethwaite has submitted an article on “Operation Freedom Spring” to collect and clerk the required 45,000 signatures of registered voters by May 31.

Subscribers will next find yet another installment, this one by Gretchen Small and David Christie, in our Stop Global NATO series—the opposition in the worldwide battle to crush the Anglo-American attempts to force submission to the NATO diktat: “Global NATO’s ‘Narrative’ Is Cracking, Even Within the West.”

Introducing our coverage of Ukraine is a reprint of a press release from March 6, 2014, “Russian TV Featured LaRouche on Ukraine.” Then, two major articles on Ukraine and the neo-Nazi elements that Russia’s special military operation was launched to either neutralize or liquidate: The first, a reprint of a still-very-relevant 18-page, very detailed background report by an EIR research team from May 16, 2014: “British Imperial Project in Ukraine—Violent Coup, Fascist Axioms, Neo-Nazis; the second, a new piece by David Shavin, “Neo-Nazis, War Crimes, and the Theater Called ‘Ukraine.’”

We have two big interviews this week—the first of Nebojša Malić, a Serbian-American journalist and commentator, conducted by Mike Billington: “The Illegal Balkan Wars and the Ukraine Parallel"; the second of Prof. Justin Yifu Lin, conducted by Hussein Askary: “The Inside Story of China’s Belt and Road Initiative.”

Closing the issue is the China Briefs column.

Subscribers will receive their emailed copies Thursday morning.