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EIR: Runaway Inflation Demands Global ‘Glass-Steagall’

EIR Vol. 49, No. 26, July 1, with the cover title “Runaway Inflation Demands Global Glass-Steagall” will be released to email subscribers Thursday morning and mailed out to hard-copy subscribers Thursday afternoon. On the cover is Lyndon LaRouche and his ‘Triple Curve.’ Here’s a preview:

Leading the issue is the Schiller Institute’s “Call for an Ad Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System,” initiated by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, which initiative came out of the June 18-19 Schiller Institute conference, “There Can Be No Peace Without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System.

EIR ran edited transcripts of the Panel 1 presentations last week. In this issue, are the Panel 2 presentations by Harley Schlanger (moderator), Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (video), Diane Sare, Daisuke Kotegawa, Dr. Uwe Behrens, Nino Galloni, Geoff Young, Ambassador Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos; and food producers Robert Baker; Mike Callicrate; Jon Baker; Wilbur, Ken, and Kyle Kehrli; Frank Endres; James Moore; and James Benham—all to Panel 2, “Runaway Inflation, or Glass-Steagall?” plus the end-of-panel Dialogue.

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