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European Gas Prices Jump 25% to $1,300 PTCM in One Day Amid Dropping Nord Stream Supply

Isn’t that what the Malthusian Davos crowd, the Great Reset, and the Green New Deal wanted? To increase fossil fuel prices to discourage their use and “make solar and windmills competitive"—and certainly lower the birth rate.

On the other hand, how long can Europe survive under these conditions? The U.S. elite seem willing to sacrifice all of Europe (including Ukraine) for their self-proclaimed purpose of “weakening Russia.”

Not to be ignored in the creation of this huge price increase, which will damage all of Europe, is the role of Perfide Albion via its colony of Canada. Canada, in line with its anti-Russia sanctions policy, refused to return the Siemens turbine used in the Nord Stream pipeline after it had been sent to them for maintenance. Canada, whose head of state is the Queen Elizabeth, is not only home to ultra-right Ukrainian 2nd and 3d generation immigrants that support the Azov Battalion and related Nazi networks. The most egregious case is the former Foreign Minister, currently Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Her maternal grandfather Michael Chomiak (Ukrainian: Михайло Хомяк, Mykhailo Khomiak) has been identified (though the claim is disputed) as a collaborator of the Nazis in World War II. He was the editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian anti-Semitic daily newspaper Krakivs’ki visti (News of Krakow) for the Nazi regime.