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Schiller Rep Vereycken Discusses New Bretton Woods in CGTN Interview

China’s CGTN television network today broadcast an interview with Schiller Institute representative Karel Vereycken, in which he discussed the destructive sanctions being imposed against Russia and the need for a New Bretton Woods system globally.

“These sanctions, aimed to inflict suffering on the Russian population and bleed Russia, are both immoral and inefficient. In my view, lifting the sanctions would contribute much more to ending the war than imposing them,” Vereycken stated. Europe is being hit by the sanctions far harder than Russia is; in fact, “some say the `secret aim’ of the war in Ukraine is to break especially Germany—and it is a key country in the Eurasian integration—but the big loser in this conflict is the EU and European agents.”

He responded to another question that: “A 100% cut [in gas] would mean a full-scale recession” in the EU. “Right now, there are many countries which politically are already revolting against these measures: You can name Hungary, but also Spain, Portugal, Greece, and even France. They called Brussels and said we cannot take this, as these conditions are completely unworkable.” He cited some of the policies provoking revolts in Europe, including the rise in energy and food prices and the “cost of the so-called Green Transition” for less efficient forms of energy is provoking revolts in the Netherlands “where the farmers are defending their productive agriculture”; and rise of the inflation which is causing mass increases in bankruptcies.

Asked about solutions, Vereycken replied that “we should have an independent foreign policy,” which means independent of “a financial system that has become a private world government.” He described the Schiller Institute call for a New Bretton Woods Conference, “organized with the consent of all major world powers, which could stop curb hyperinflation, stop the war. We could work out long-term win-win agreements for food and energy. And currencies such as the dollar should again become currencies for mutual development, and not tools for imperial domination,” like the British Empire. “That’s the real challenge for Europe, the United States, and the rest of the world,” he said. “If we can do that, we can organize peaceful coexistence on this planet. And if we fail, we will open the gates for the Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” Vereycken concluded.