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Aug. 20 (EIRNS) Faced with the threat of outright losing 11,200 farms, plus a savage reduction of livestock for an additional 17,600 farmers, Dutch farmers have been boiling over in revolts, which bodes ill for the ruling coalition government. Current opinion polls indicate strong political support for the farmers, with BoerBurgerBeweging (Farmer-Citizen Movement, or BBB), which currently has only one MP, Caroline van der Plas, but would take joint second place nationally according to polls, skyrocketing from 1 to 17 seats, while Prime MInister Mark Rutte’s seats would drop from 34 to 21, and their D66 coalition partner from 24 to 11.

MP van der Plas has been forced to withdraw from all public appearances since the end of July because of death threats and hate mail. Describing herself as “not a fire-starter,” she does not approve of the farmers’ disruptive protests on highways but supports all actions within the law. “I understand farmers’ emotions, and I support their battle.”

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