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EIR Vol. 49, No. 30, Aug. 5, with the cover story “Global NATO Criminalizes Free Speech” will be released to email subscribers Thursday morning, and mailed out to hard-copy subscribers Thursday afternoon. The Ukrainian government’s foolhardy threat issued July 14 to a list of 70 prominent individuals–the first 30 of them speakers at recent Schiller Institute conferences—was engineered with British and U.S. backing, the trio of Antony Blinken, Liz Truss and Volodymyr Zelensky on the EIR cover.

There is an international backlash of the individuals NATO is trying to call “war criminals” because they are for negotiated peace in Ukraine! The statement, “Twenty-Seven Prominent Individuals Denounce Being Targeted by Ukraine-U.S.-NATO as Putin Agents,” leads the EIR issue.

Section I, Strategic, leads with Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “I Respond to Ukrainian Enemies List"—she is at the top of it. It is followed by “Ukraine Labels Schiller Institute Leaders and Others as ‘War Criminals,’” a first investigative report by EIR on the so-called Ukrainian Center for Combating Disinformation which is carrying out NATO’s attempt to “cancel” these leading individuals.

Then, a July 25 interview with Zepp-LaRouche by China Radio International’s “World Today” program, on the Black Sea grain agreements, is titled “Those Who Are Willing to Learn from Their Mistakes, and Those Who Are Not.” And a report by Claudio Celani on the fall of Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, “Draghi Goes, Beaten by His Own Policy.”

The Section also carries Africa Briefs and China Briefs.

Section II republishes Lyndon LaRouche from one of his many visits to India, in 2008: his article, “The Truth of Bretton Woods Lies Within Physical Science;” and his speech to a strategic symposium, “The Time Has Come for a New System.”

Section III, Culture and Science, begins with “The Political Power of a Poet,” an article by Paul Gallagher on Percy Shelley—Aug. 4 marks his 230th birthday. Ron Bettag reports on Joel Dejean’s online campaign event from Houston July 28 with special guest Dr. Neil Frank, a noted meteorologist, attacking the dangerous insanity of the green agenda, specifically plans to install thousands of wind turbines in the Gulf off the coast of Texas.

A Science & Technology Briefs column closes the Section and the issue.