Today, the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia issued its statement, with names and details of how a Ukraine secret services operation is responsible for the car bomb assassination on Aug. 20 of Russian political figure Darya Dugina, near Moscow. The perpetrator was a Ukrainian citizen, traced from her entry into Russia in July 2022, her surveillance of the target(s) in Moscow, and her subsequent escape this weekend to Estonia. This is a grave incident, making the dangerous strategic situation even worse, given that the assassination is an instance of state-sponsored terrorism.
The Russian Foreign Ministry is already on record warning of the implications of Ukraine being responsible. Yesterday ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote on Telegram, “If the Ukrainian trace is confirmed, and this version was voiced by [Donetsk] D.P.R. head Denis Pushilin, and it must be verified by the competent authorities, then we are talking about a policy of state terrorism carried out by the Kiev regime.”
Today in Kiev, advisers to President Zelenskyy denied and ridiculed the Russian FSB charges.
What is undeniable, and ominous, is the record of the relationship between the Special Operations Forces of NATO, and those of the U.S.A. and the U.K., with Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces.
Otherwise, the media stories, lies and factoids spinning around, are best ignored, as they are not to the strategic point.
What is very much to the point of the danger, is that there are no channels for diplomacy and contact among Russia and the major Western governments, at this time of the Ukraine conflict and other crises. Russian Ambassador Gennady Gavilov, emissary in Geneva to the UN agencies there, spoke of this yesterday, saying, “I do not see any possibility for diplomatic contacts,” regarding Ukraine. “And the more the conflict goes on, the more difficult it will be to have a diplomatic solution.”
The Ambassador’s point is underscored by the fact that it seems nothing, or next to nothing at all positive, resulted from the joint phone call yesterday by the four heads of state or government of the U.S., Britain, France and Germany. They discussed the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, confirmed their ongoing support for Ukraine, and spoke of other matters. Worse, their belligerent mode of foreign policy continues on every front.
In Taiwan, the second U.S. official delegation arrived yesterday, as a provocation to Beijing. Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb met in Taipei today with President Tsai Ing-wen, at the presidential palace. They discussed semiconductor supplies, which Tsai referred to as “democracy chips,” and she stressed that so-called fellow democracies have to stand together. They released official photos.
The Beijing Foreign Ministry has already denounced the incident, and also released today, a full statement against the arrogance of U.S. Ambassador Nicholas Burns’s accusation that China is “overreacting” to the Aug. 7 visit of Rep. Nancy Pelosi. Beyond China’s core concern over Taiwan, the ministry points out that the mode of U.S. diplomacy all around the world is to wield “bullying sanctions” at people and nations.
Instead of this approach, China used its current chairmanship of the UN Security Council, for the August monthly rotation, to host an event today titled, “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Promote Common Security through Dialogue and Cooperation.” This session was announced on Aug. 1, to be a “signature” event, when China’s Ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun gave a preview of the full August Security Council agenda. Zhang chaired today, and had opening presentations by UN Secretary General António Guterres and Gustavo Zlauvinen, president of the 10th Review Council on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, both addressing the nuclear war danger if a “common security” approach is not taken.
What ensued in the discussion was a dramatic contrast between the core Global NATO nations—the U.S. and Britain, with Ireland in tow—repeatedly denouncing Russian “unprovoked aggression” in Ukraine and other points of the NATO litany, which stood out as being in another world from most of the other nations. In contrast to the U.S. and U.K., these other countries addressed various aspects of the session’s topic, calling for such things as attention to food security, establishing a true multilateralism, and other aspects of seeking a new world system.
Speaking towards the end of the session, Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia observed this explicitly, saying, “Today, before our very eyes, there is a new world order” coming into focus. There are many nations “rejecting state templates and recipes” for what they should do, and instead seeking to serve true national interest, and work on new international relations. He decried the way that “Ukraine has been turned into a firing range against Russia,” and warned other nations not to think the U.S. and cohorts can be trusted to treat them any differently. He ended his remarks, “Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for you.”
It can be added that the tumult in the Trans-Atlantic is increasing rapidly, given the economic breakdown, boomerang impact of the sanctions, and outstanding leadership failure. Today in Britain, the Felixstowe port—which handles one-third of all foreign cargo in the U.K.—is shut down for the next seven days by 1,900 dockworkers, because their pay is so far below their living costs. There will be a huge freight backlog. In Germany, a protest rally is gathering support for Aug. 28 in Dessau, of regional people from all walks of life, and a farmers’ protest is set for Aug. 31 in Bonn.
In the United States, the campaign for U.S. Senate in New York is proceeding as a world-scale contest, thanks to the LaRouche Independent candidacy of Diane Sare. Her campaign this week will start the release of the first quarter-million copies of a statement, whose title says it all: “Stop the City of London’s and Wall Street’s Fascist Coup; Russia, China, India, and the Farmers and Truckers of the World Are Your Allies.”