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CLINTEL President: "Dutch Electric Cars Run on Fossil Fuels"

Sept. 15, 2022 (EIRNS) Prof. Guus Berkhout, founder and President of CLINTEL, a group of 1,200 scientists and professional climate realists, points out in de Telegraaf, the biggest daily in the Netherlands, that the vaunted “clean” electric car actually runs on fossil fuels. Where does the electricity for the batteries come from? 77% is produced by coal and natural gas, 13% wind and solar, 5% wood, and 5% nuclear — thus 82% of the electricity for the Ecar comes from hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the production of the batteries is extremely unfriendly to the environment, and no one has yet thought seriously about battery disposal. For years TenneT, the European electric grid operator, has warned that it is strained to the limit.

Contrast this sad story to the new diesel that emits virtually no nitrogen oxides, and less CO2 per kilometer than a jogger (95g/km)!

The Dutch have begun to electrify about 1 million mopeds and scooters; people will be able to get rid of their electric cars and, long live micromobility! We are really being led around by the nose— alas! nothing new when it comes to climate policy, the professor concluded.