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EIR: ‘At LaRouche's Centennial, Crisis Demands His Solutions’

A beautiful photo of Lyn is on the cover of this week’s issue of EIR,

Vol. 49, No. 36, with the headline, “At LaRouche’s Centennial, Crisis Demands His Solutions,” dated Sept. 16, out to subscribers Sept. 15.

This issue features the many ways his associates, friends, and supporters celebrated LaRouche’s 100th birthday on and around September 8. Even the (now former) Queen Elizabeth II made her contribution by departing her mortal coil on Lyn’s birthday! The editorial position is given over to a Claudio Celani cartoon, from the archives, depicting QE-II pushing a baby carriage occupied by her Dumbo-eared offspring (now King) Charles, aptly captioned “On Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th Birthday, the Queen of England Stops Pushing Dope.”

Section I is dedicated to “Inspiring Humanity To Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History,” the title of the Schiller Institute’s Sept. 10–11 Conference. Mike Billington provides an overview piece, followed by the full program, and transcripts of the presentations and the discussion session from Panel 1. In future issues, EIR will cover Panels 2, 3, and 4.

J.S. Bach opened the conference, ably assisted by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus and orchestra in a recorded performance of the first movement of his Magnificat. There followed Lyn himself via a video excerpt from 1997, “We Must Choose a New Road.”

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