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EIR: New World Economic Model Plans: ‘We Rely on LaRouche’s Work’

EIR Vol. 49, No. 37, dated Sept. 23, will go out to subscribers Sept. 22.

This issue features three recent developments: The dangerous shift by NATO toward risking a nuclear world war, the fight against the Ukrainian (Global NATO) hit lists, and the launch of the digital LaRouche Library.

The issue leads with a signed editorial, “London Ventriloquists Have their Ukrainian Generals Call for a Preemptive Nuclear Strike on Russia,” by Dennis Small.

Section I, “A Dangerous Phase Shift,” leads with a report sounding the alarm that a NATO strategy of pre-emptive nuclear strikes against Russia came from a Sept. 8 meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, and a Sept. 7 statement by the Commander in Chief of Ukraine’s Armed Forces. This is followed by “Exposure of Ukraine’s Nazi Kill List Is Breaking Through the Fog of War,” by an EIR investigative team.

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