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Ukrainian Lawyers Expose Myrotvorets as Spanish Inquisition

On Sept. 11, 2018, “Uspishna Varta” (Successful Guards), an All-Ukrainian Human Rights Platform created on the initiative and with the support of the Ukrainian philanthropist Aleksandr Klymenko, based on detailed interview with victims and witnesses of human rights violations, published a 22-page report calling on the President and Parliament to take various urgent measures.

The platform “brings together lawyers, public figures, and volunteers in order to protect the political and civil rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens” and is “guided solely by the principles of non-violence and respect for the law and international standards in the field of human rights,”

At the end of the report, the report exposes the creators and slams the criminal dealings of Myrotvorets, the platform that posted thousands of names of individuals considered “traitors” and “info-terrorists.”

The report confirms the website was created in 2014 by Gerashchenko, an advisor to then- Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, and operated by one George Tuka, according to Wikipedia a Euromaidan fanatic who claims to have participated in Arab Spring protests in Egypt where he lived for 2.5 years.

According to the Ukrainian media Vesti, questioned after the assassinations of former Ukrainian MP Oleg Kalashnikov and opposition journalist Oles Buzina, Tuka said that Myrotvorets “contains data on more than 25,000 people. More than 300 of them are either arrested or killed. So why should I worry about some two low-lifes who are guilty of war?”

After confirming the evil protection offered by the state agencies, the report interestingly notes that “according to the open register of public organizations of the Ministry of Justice,” Myrotvorets, “isn’t officially registered as a public organization” and “has several IP addresses located outside Ukraine.” As a result, “it is almost impossible to ban and close the website Myrotvorets, as well as to exclude a person from the list of this website via a ruling of the national courts,” says the report.

Demonstrating that Myrotvorets operates on the same evil principles as the Spanish Inquisition, the report reveals that: “In addition to this, it is common practice when Ukrainian citizens are found guilty without trial only because of the fact that they were included in the list of the website Myrotvorets.”

“All of this, in the (Ukrainian) government’s opinion, does not affect the protection of personal data expressed in the relevant law. Thus, the state maintains this illegal practice by its silence.” Moreover, information on Myrotvorets “is recognized by the courts of Ukraine when making decisions. Having studied judicial practice, the lawyers of Uspishna Varta came to the conclusion that the data of the ‘Myrotvorets’ website is being used in court decisions at all stages—from the beginning of the pre-trial investigation to the conviction of the person.”

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