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Rank Hypocrisy: The "We Invite the Nuclear Inspectors To Prove No Dirty Bombs Here" Fraud

Lost in all the smoke and mirrors around the claim that Russia’s Defense MInister, Sergey Shoigu, simply invented the story on October 23 — that Kiev was manufacturing a ‘dirty bomb,’ as part of a false-flag operation to finish off Russia in the eyes of the world — is that London, Washington and Kiev agreed upon a narrative no later than the evening of October 23 that could only fool those who wish to be fooled. The narrative spun is that Kiev’s complete innocence will be proven by inviting the IAEA to inspect Ukraine’s nuclear plants. Complete transparency, complete cooperation. This will prove the Russians are lying, and are probably covering for their own malign intentions of using a nuclear bomb on Ukraine.

Whatever evidence Shoigu presented on October 23 to the Defense Ministers of France, the UK, and the US, part of it is in the public domain. RIA Novosti had published that morning that the assembly of Kiev’s dirty bomb involved the Eastern (Skhidnyi) Ore & Mining company in

Zhovti Vody. This is in the heart of Ukraine’s uranium mining operations from the Soviet period. For the jerry-rigging of a conventional bomb to include radioactive material that will be dispersed upon the explosion, it helps to have appropriate equipment and machinery that can handle and process such raw material. No nuclear plants were alleged to be involved. But don’t hold your breath, waiting for Kiev to invite any inspectors to Zhovti Vody.

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