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Russian Embassy in Geneva Calls Upon UN to Move Against the “Malicious” Myrotvorets Hit List

The Russian Embassy in Geneva announced that it has sent to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights the call of the “Foundation to Battle Injustice,” along with its own endorsement, to take action against the Mirotvorets hit list. It stated: “The hit list of the Ukrainian nationalists (aka ‘Myrotvorets’) that publishes personal information on the people deemed as ‘enemies of the Kiev regime’ has been endangering the lives of children, journalists and ordinary people since 2014. The Russian Mission to the UN in Geneva has transmitted an open letter from the ‘Foundation to Battle Injustice’ NGO to Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, regarding the malicious activities of ‘Myrotvorets.’”

The statement concludes: “The letter, signed by the journalists who are listed on the ‘Myrotvorets’ and receive death threats, and the journalists who wish to stop these flagrant violations of human rights, calls on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to condemn the activities of ‘Myrotvorets. The Russian Mission to the UN in Geneva joins this call and urges the High Commissioner to pay special attention, duly assess and publicly react to the existence and operation of ‘Myrotvorets,’ which violates human rights and puts people’s lives in jeopardy.”