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‘Squad’ Congressmen Confronted Over Supporting Ukrainian Nazis

Today’s broadcast of the Jimmy Dore Show, with 1.07 million YouTube subscribers, posted a video covering the intervention by LaRouche Movement activist and Sare for Senate campaign staffer José Vega against Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) at a Sept. 27 town hall meeting, at which Vega took on Bowman for his support of funding Nazis in Ukraine.

Host Jimmy Dore played the video of the confrontation between Vega and Bowman, and subsequently displayed entries from Vega’s Twitter account in which he describes his encounter with the Congressman. Bowman is a member of the so-called “Squad” in Congress, a group of supposedly progressive Democrats, which Dore despises for their hypocrisy. Bowman, like all the other members of the “squad,” has consistently voted for multibillion-dollar funding packages to arm and equip the Armed Forces of Ukraine which is heavily saturated with pro-Nazi militias.

Bowman shared the stage with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY). In 2013, Jeffries wrote a letter to then-Ukrainian Ambassador to the U.S. Olexander Motsyk “in response to rising levels of anti-Semitism and racial intolerance in the Ukraine that is spearheaded by the fast-rising Svoboda political party.” (The Svoboda Party, modeling itself upon Hitler’s “National Socialist” (Nazi) Party, was originally founded as Ukraine’s “Social National” Party, before it rebranded itself as “Svoboda.”) It is closely aligned with Ukrainian pro-Nazi militias, such as the Azov Battalion, which Bowman and Jeffries are now supporting.

The video is very powerful and can be seen at this link: