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Xi Jinping Introduces New Chinese Leadership to World Media

Newly-reelected CPC General-Secretary Xi Jinping introduced the new Standing Committee of the Political Bureau to the international media gathered for the 20th CPC Party Congress on Oct. 23. Xi was reelected as Party Secretary, as well as two other members reelected to the new Standing Committee: Wang Huning and Zhao Leji. In addition there were four other members elected, who have served on the Political Bureau for some time and with close ties to Xi.The new formation has generally strengthened those who have been strongly supportive of Xi’s reorientation of the party towards enhancing China’s role in the world, China’s much-lauded rejuvenation. There were also new members elected to the Central Committee, including Qin Gang, the ambassador to the U.S., and Liu Xiaoming, the former ambassador to Great Britain.

The congress itself has significantly strengthened the confidence of the party membership in the direction that Xi has laid out even in the face of the growing mobilization by forces in the West to prevent socialist China from playing any but a subordinate role in shaping world history. Given the aversive environment, the congress also underlined the need for girding their loins for possible battles ahead. In his comments to the press, however, Xi underlined China’s intention on contributing to a more peaceful and prosperous world. China will open its door wider to the world, Xi said. “Just as China cannot develop in isolation from the world, the world needs China for its development,” Xi said. “The Chinese economy has great resilience…. A prosperous China will create many opportunities for the world.”

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