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The COP27 Summit, at its mid-way point this weekend, continues in a proforma Green mode, with bigwig statements of empty pledges of funds to mitigate climate, and new warnings of a non-existent climate emergency. Opposing this, certain developing countries have reasserted their sovereign right over how to use their hydrocarbons and other energy sources to overcome energy poverty. However, the Western mainstream media are publicizing the countergangs present, demanding an immediate end to fossil fuels. One banner shown during Biden’s speech, “People vs. Fossil Fuels.”

On Nov. 11, U.S. President Biden was rolled in to spend three hours at the event, for a speech and a press conference, while also meeting with Egyptian President El Sisi. The ubiquitous junketer Rep. Nancy Pelosi also led a U.S> Democratic Party delegation to the Summit; Congressional Republicans also attended.

Biden’s grab bag of messages included vague paeons to “innovation” to provide energy and reduce emissions, at home and in developing countries.. He took a swipe at China, without mentioning its name, “If countries can finance coal in developing countries, there is no reason we can’t finance clean energy in developing countries.” Biden repeated commitment to many U.S. domestic policies that are hotly opposed around the nation, for example, the 30by30 plan, to take out 30 percent of land and water from economic use, especially food production, by 2030. He plugged the IRA—Inflation Reduction Act for its green planks, naming, for example, Federal support for e-vehicles. This hits like a thud, given that the U.S. now has blackouts from lack of electricity.