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An American neo-Nazi, Kent McLellan, aka “Boneface,” who had fought for the Azov Brigade, has confirmed that the horrific 2015 video of Azov Battalion members lynching a man and a woman was authentic. The lynching actually occurred and McLellan was there, he said in an interview published Nov. 12 with Juan Sinmiedo, or “Fearless John,” posted to a web publishing site. Over the years, various “fact checking” operations, led by Kiev’s notorious “StopFake” operation of Marko Suprun, claimed it had “proven” that the Azov were being slandered, that the video (identified by the title, “Kikes Get the Rope”) was a fake. Also, McClellan said that he himself took photos of some “Tornado” militia members who posed with the two corpses. (The “Tornado Battalion,” under Arsen Avakov, the head of the SBU, included members from both the Azov and Shakhtarsk battalions.)

McLellan further reports that he is visible in the background of another 2015 video, one of a man being crucified upon a cross, who was then set on fire. The Azov Battalion has repeatedly denied that their fighters were responsible for either heinous act (whose credibility is undercut by that little 2014 incident at the Odessa Trade Union Building). Their defense apparently is that the Azov logo on the uniforms of the participants are “much larger than it should be.”

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