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Former Japanese Prime Minister Mori Asserts, ‘Zelenskyy Has Made Many Ukrainian People Suffer’

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori criticized Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy before a political gathering in Tokyo two days ago. As reported by the Japan Times, he said in part: “I don’t quite understand why only President Putin is criticized while Mr. Zelenskyy isn’t taken to task at all. Mr. Zelenskyy has made many Ukrainian people suffer.”

The elder statesman also lashed out at Japanese news outlets, saying that their “one-sided” reporting on the war in Ukraine gives him the impression they “only rely on reports from Europe and the United States.” Further: “The one who could play a role of helping settle the current situation would have been former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,” who was shot dead this past July. “Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is leaning one-sidedly toward the United States,” Mori complained. He added that the one Japanese authority who could work with Putin now is Shun’ichi Suzuki, presently the Finance Minister.