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IAEA Finds ‘No Indications of Undeclared Nuclear Activities’ in Ukraine

In a statement issued Nov. 3, International Atomic Energy Agency Director Rafael Grossi reported that his inspection team had completed its verification activities at three specific locations in Ukraine, as requested by the Zelenskyy regime. His report states, that based on the results available to date, and information provided by Ukraine, “the Agency did not find any indications of undeclared nuclear activities and materials at the locations.”

The IAEA team inspected the facilities of the Institute for Nuclear Research in Kiev, the Eastern Mining and Processing Plant in Zhovti Kody, and the Production Association Pivdennyi Machine-Building Plant in Dnipro. In late October, TASS reports, Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, chief of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection troops indicated that the Defense Ministry had ordered forces and resources in a state of readiness for action “in a situation of radioactive contamination” based on intelligence about Kiev’s plot for using a “dirty” nuclear bomb. The three locations named where such bomb-building might be taking place were those inspected by the IAEA, although the Russians have indicated there are many more.

Grossi said that while there was no evidence of undeclared nuclear activities or materials at those locations, he added that his team collected environmental samples that will be tested at the IAEA’s safeguard labs with ultrasensitive analytical techniques that can provide information about past and current activities related to the handling of nuclear materials. He also said he is prepared to have his team return for further inspections, if required. (

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy responded to the IAEA report that it provided “irrefutable evidence that no one in Ukraine has created or is creating any `dirty bombs.’ “ In its joint statement issued today at the conclusion of its meeting in Muenster, Germany, the G7 rejected “Russia’s false claims that Ukraine is preparing a radiological `dirty bomb.’ The inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that these allegations are baseless, and we commend Ukraine for its transparency,” it stated. ( )