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Kiev's CCD List Is Indeed a ‘Terror List’ and the West Tries To Pretend Otherwise

The first line of defense, when Ukraine’s Western allies are confronted with the ugly reality that Kiev’s operation to silence opposition is now targeting their own political leaders, is to patiently explain that the blacklist of the “Center for Countering Disinformation,” working out of Kiev’s National Security and Defense Council in the presidential office, “doesn’t actually sanction anybody.” Hence, it is a silly exaggeration to suggest that it is a “terror list.” Germany ARD television network repeated this canard, in having to report that the CCD indeed had on their blacklist the chairman of the Social Democrats’ parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, a close associate of Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Since the 2014 coup, Kiev’s State Department financed operation to silence opposition was run through the militia-related Myrotvorets hit list, coordinated with Kiev’s internal security, the SBU, and its infamous “advisor” Anton Geraschenko. Journalists, mayors, at least one Supreme Rada member, were named, with their personal information, address, phone number, etc included—and shortly afterwards were executed, car-bombed, or gunned down near their home. In March 2021, the National Security and Defense Council, in the Office of the President, created the CCD, in an attempt to formalize and centralize this operation. In July 2022, the CCD began targeting foreign leaders, notably activists of the Schiller Institute and some 30 people who had addressed Schiller Institute conferences.

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