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Media Attempts To Depict Mass Protests in China a ‘Complete Distortion’

The Western media have been hysterically reporting on the recent protests in China over anti-COVID measures in an attempt to amplify a relatively small number of voices. Observers would be wise to reflect on why such a thing is being played up so heavily in the mainstream media. After all, the protests are very small—most not more than in the hundreds—while recent protests across European nations, which have seen tens and even hundreds of thousands of citizens upset at their governments, receive no coverage at all.

In a discussion today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche referenced such overblown reporting, and remarked how the recent, actually explosive election results in Taiwan, which created an across-the-board defeat for the pro-independence DPP party and large victories for the pro-unification Kuomintang party, were ignored. The election was “a significant lowering of the attempt to push Taiwan up as the second Ukraine,” she said, and added that the imbalanced reporting on these two events in China is “a typical example of how the mainstream media are completely distorting the picture.”

One author and entrepreneur, who now lives in China made the obvious point: What these protests do show is that China is clearly not a police state, and that there are many diverse and differing opinions which are sometimes expressed very loudly!