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EIR: Mexicans Honor Zepp-LaRouche for "Freedom of Expression’’

EIR Vol. 49, No. 49 goes to subscribers Thursday, Dec.15. with the cover featuring the 70th National and International Journalism Awards Ceremony held by the Journalists Club of Mexico, which gave the Schiller Institute and Helga Zepp-LaRouche an award for “Fostering freedom of expression from the academic realm.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche provides this week’s Editorial, “One Step Away From Nuclear Annihilation of Mankind,” to be circulated to “all people of good will, to support the offer of Pope Francis to use the venue of the Vatican for immediate beginning of peace negotiations, without preconditions.”

Section I, “International” leads with photos and descriptions by Gerardo Castilleja Chávez and Gretchen Small of the Journalists Club event of Dec. 7, and the full text of Helga’s videotaped greetings to the Club and appreciation for the award.

Next, is an edited transcript of an interview with Helga conducted (also on Dec. 7) by Russian journalist and talk show host, Vladimir Solovyov, on his Solovyov Live TV program, in which she discusses the principle of her Ten Principles for a New Security and Development Architecture.

The section includes Daniel Platt’s “Are Your Children and Grandchildren Being Prebunked,” with the revelation: “In the Brave New World of the Anglo-American Bloc, the oligarchy’s social engineers ... are scrambling to add new weapons to their arsenal of psychological control and ‘inoculation research.’ It seems that it … has become necessary to condition the minds of youth to instinctively, reflexively reject any concepts or information which might cause them to question the absolute validity of the oligarchy’s preferred ‘narrative.’” It’s called “pre-bunking.” There are also International and Africa Briefs in this section.

Section II, “United States,” begins with a documentary report co-authored by David Christie and Paul Gallagher on the so-called “Twitter Papers,” discussing a central element of the scandalous operation exposed neither by Edward Snowden, nor thus far by Elon Musk: The Election Security Group, made up entirely of military and intelligence officials and “experts” under the aegis of U.S. Cyber Command. Harley Schlanger writes on Biden’s upcoming “Summit of Hypocrisy,” a.k.a. Democracy Summit, as a revival of imperial geopolitics by modern hybrid warfare.

In Section III, “Economics,” we reprint a relevant 14-page essay from 2006 by Lyndon LaRouche: “Science: The Essence of Economics—How the Liberals Tried to Make Engels’ Monkey into a Man.”

In his essay, LaRouche goes after the deserving Frederick Engels, treats Karl Marx and Marxism, Edward VII and Otto von Bismarck, the Riemannian Tensor and Pythagorean Sphaerics in the process. He concludes: “The challenge to the young adults of today, is to think and act as persons made in the image of the Creator, and devoted to acting, according, on behalf of the assigned destiny of mankind.”

A Science & Technology Briefs column closes the Section.