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French Schiller Institute’s Karel Vereycken on Iranian State TV

The Schiller Institute’s Karel Vereycken and U.S. journalist Caleb Maupin were both invited yesterday to comment on the energy crisis in Europe and the U.S., on Telewebion (TW), an Iranian software program that is the streaming broadcaster video on demand for the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting state corporation.

While Maupin underlined that the energy crisis was all a “big rip-off” organized by U.S. multinationals, Vereycken stressed that there is, before anything else, a financial crisis turning into a war drive. Climate, Covid, and Ukraine are nothing but crises and pretexts used to impose the authority—called the “destruction of demand”—that the financial system, according to the inherent rules of monetarism, now requires to survive. Only an entire New Bretton Woods and new economic and cultural paradigm represent the way out, Vereycken concluded.
