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Reject the Zelensky Hollywood Showtime; Organize Support for Peace Conference

Schiller Institute founder and leader, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, used a pre-Christmas webcast today to call for an expanded mobilization behind Pope Francis’s offer to use the Vatican as a site for negotiations over Ukraine, without preconditions, to end NATO’s war against Russia.

Every thinking person, she said, is concerned with the danger of an escalation to World War III. She urged viewers to circulate the Schiller Institute’s letter of support for the Pope’s offer, in the spirit of Christmas, and use the season as a moment for serious reflection on the mission of Jesus to achieve peace, through acting with good will towards all men.

The letter of support for the Pope’s offer:

The Zelensky extravaganza in Washington DC Dec. 21 demonstrated the opposite approach, exposing the British intent for expanding the war, even as NATO is approaching the crossing of a trip-wire which is unacceptable to Russia. The Zelensky in-person speeches, along with the US intent to forward-place Patriot missiles, is an escalation of the nuclear war danger.

Zepp-LaRouche said that she believes the war hawks, typified in Germany by the Green officials in the government, are also preparing an escalation against China in 2023. But if they are successful in “diversifying” the European Union economies away from China, Europe will be “marginalized.”

Instead, the potential still exists for Europe to participate in the great global Belt and Road Initiative. Zepp-LaRouche cut to the core on this potential in two other media events she did today. In a nine-and-a-half video statement published by CGTN today, she stressed that the right to development—economically and in all other ways—is a fundamental right. In fact, the greatest violation of human rights is denying people the right to develop! Nations of the Global South are attempting to create a new paradigm, serving this principle of development, in which the BRI, the BRICS, China’s Global Development Initiative all figure.

See “German Expert: The Biggest Threat to Human Rights.”

Today’s GlobalTimes in China, also ran a story on the BRI, in which the author interviewed Zepp-LaRouche. The article is headlined, “Special Report: BRI Takes Hold with Inspiring Breakthroughs in 2022 Despite Global Downturn.” Zepp-LaRouche warned that the “world’s financial system will continue facing major issues, such as heightened inflation. That means the central banks of major development economics will vacillate between efforts to contain inflation through quantitative tightening, which risks bankruptcies and capital flight out of the emergency markets, and quantitative easing, which again increases inflation. Any country that looks to dilute the combined effect should scale up BRI cooperation.”

On the immediate war threat, compatriots of Zepp-LaRouche are using their pre-Christmas message to sound the alarm, some formally linked to the letter of support to Pope Francis for offering a negotiations venue, and some others acting in parallel.

In eastern Germany, Karl Kroekel, Skilled Trades Master, is commanding local media coverage for “writing to Pope Francis” to support his initiative.

In Italy, on Dec. 21, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, who heads up the Italian Bishops Conference, spoke in Bari, at the Basilica of Saint Nicholas, at a vigil organized by the Conference and by the Archdiocese of Bari-Bitonto, to call for an end to violence in Ukraine. Cardinal Zuppi urged the convening of a conference “like Helsinki, that could resolve many conflicts and lay the basis for peaceful coexistence.” He said that Saint Nicholas “doesn’t want violence and orders peace! Let no one say that the conditions don’t exist. They can be found! Enough of combat that only leads to destruction! Peace isn’t a dream, it’s the only way to live. It is `the’ choice, not `a’ choice.” In his homily, he called for a Christmas truce, as Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin did recently, and for a commitment to organize “a conference which, as so wisely occurred in Helsinki so many years ago, can resolve so many conflicts and create the bases for peaceful coexistence.”

Join the mobilization!