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Russia's Zakharova Warns Zelenskyy, the U.S. May “Nuland” Him

The promise Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy made this week, of Ukrainian victory and peace in 2023, was the occasion today of some scathing treatment. When Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was asked about it, he seemed to resent a serious matter of war and peace being treated in such a juvenile fashion: “You can talk about when all of this will end until you are blue in the face. Zelenskyy knows when all this can end, it can end tomorrow if desired.”

Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, first offered that Zelenskyy’s advisors should tell him about the West’s eternal war plan for Ukraine. Referring to last week’s Pentagon announcement that Raytheon’s new $1.2 billion contract for hardware for Ukraine has a delivery date of November 2025, she said: “Washington plans to fuel hostilities in Ukraine at least till the end of 2025. That’s what their plans are, judging by documents, which they don’t hide from anybody.... Washington has different plans. There is a lot of money to be embezzled” through Ukraine aid programs. The White House to Kiev pipeline was “a corruption marathon,” profiting grifters on a global scale.

And then she got tough. She advised Zelenskyy to watch his back, as Victoria Nuland’s trip to Kiev last week cannot bode well. She called Nuland “a harbinger of tragic shocks, caused by the Washington-orchestrated bloody putsch” of 2014. So, Zakharova concluded: “A new palace coup may be in the making or some other reshuffle. I believe the Zelenskyy regime, which has repeatedly tested Washington’s patience, has some things to consider.”