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USAID Sponsors CCD Forum on ‘Ukraine’s Information War’

Ukraine’s notorious Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) proudly reported on Dec. 3 that its Nov. 3 Forum on “Ukraine’s Information War,” had been “sponsored by USAID Ukraine Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Project/USAID Cybersecurity Activity.” Judging by its Facebook page, that “four-year USAID program aimed at strengthening resilience” in Ukraine is clearly hyper-active in running Ukrainian “cybersecurity” operations. []

The State Department’s assurances to U.S. Congressional offices that the State Department and USAID had stopped funding the CCD, is thus proven a brazen lie. Various Congressional offices questioned the State Department about U.S. government funding of the CCD, when they learned that it had placed international personalities who question NATO’s “everything for Ukraine” line or call for negotiating a peaceful end to NATO’s war with Russia, on a blacklist of alleged “Russian propagandists” to be prosecuted as “information terrorists” or rubbed out. Several of the people on the CCD list then appeared on the Myrotvorets assassination list, citing the CCD as justification. Those included Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and LaRouche Organization spokesman Harley Schlanger.

The Nov. 30 Ukraine’s Information War Forum was a joint USAID-Ukrainian government operation. USAID sponsored it; the National Security and Defense Council’s CCD, the Ministry of Regions, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine, and the Sumy Regional Military Administration “supported” it; and three Ukrainian NGOs “co-organized” it (the “Ukrainian Alliance,” a self-described “Cybersecurity Support Center International Charitable Foundation,” and the Institute of Post-Information Society).

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