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Charles de Gaulle's Grandson Attacks ‘Intellectual Dishonesty’ of West, Urges for ‘Dialogue of Civilizations’

Pierre de Gaulle, an economist and the grandson of the famous French leader Charles de Gaulle, over the last two weeks has lent his voice to a revival of his grandfather’s priority for cooperation between Paris and Moscow. In a Dec. 16, 2022 interview published by “Ciel de France” on Dec. 26, he called for a “Dialogue of Civilizations,” where nations’ sovereignty and cooperating with other countries go hand-in-hand.

He had already made a point of speaking at a June 14, 2022 reception for “Russia Day” at the Russian Embassy in Paris, where he remarked: “Our people are linked by many years of friendship and the bloodshed against Nazis…. I come here once again to assert loud and clear that it is in France’s interests to maintain good relations with Russia as well as to say that we should work together for the sake of the unification and security of our continent, for the sake of maintaining balance, progress and peace throughout the world.… The West have unfortunately allowed Zelenskyy, his oligarchs and the neo-Nazi military groups to lock themselves into a spiral of war.” (

Then, at a gathering of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association in Paris on Dec. 16, Pierre de Gaulle launched his offensive, published as an interview with Irina Dubois (

“I revolt and protest against this intellectual dishonesty in the Ukrainian crisis because the triggers of war are the Americans, the triggers of war are NATO, and I would like to cite as evidence the recent declarations of Madam Merkel who said that she never intended to apply the Minsk agreements…. By allowing this Ukrainian nationalist expansion it left between 16 and 18,000 people to be killed, to be bombed. She let these nationalist Ukrainian populations annihilate Russian culture, annihilate the very feeling of their belonging to Russia…. The United States unfortunately continues this military escalation from which the Ukrainian populations are the first to suffer but also the European populations…. The scope, number and depth of the sanctions show that all of this was organized a very long time in advance and that it is in fact also an economic war, in which the Americans are the beneficiaries. The Americans sell their gas 4 to 7 times more expensively to the Europeans than they do to their own country….”

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